Sunday, February 11, 2007

I know it's hard, but . . .

Hello again!

So, you are free from my demands and torture sessions! All those freed-up hours that you were going to spend going over the handouts and posting on the weblog... Very good intentions, my dears...

Anyway, I'm enjoying the glorious weather and free evenings ... am going to see a live Shakespeare play (one of my favourites) "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at the British School tomorrow. Then number 3 daughter, Nadine arrives on Tuesday for a two week stay. This coincides with half term for Zeena, so there'll be lots of giggles and gaiety in the Beale household.

Despite all that, I will be listening and checking the weblog. It's your call now students, that Sunday-Wednesday discipline must not slacken. keep at it, use the Learning Zone, make study groups, post on the blog!

Good luck!



MRS REGI said...

Dear Tony
Good Morning

Realy I am Missing all the friends, IELTS class & the totor Mr. Beale ( Shall I say I secret . BRITISH COUNCIL IS VERY MUCH HAPPY & SATISFIED WITH MR. TONY'S TEACHING AS I HEARD FROM ONE OF THE STAFF ----)
I was in the Learning Zone on Saturday With MALEKI sisters. I was practicing in Listining & Reading. Any way one more Saturday also I can utalize this learning zone, as my exam is scheduled on 24th FEB in SHERATON & SPEAKING ALSO ON SAME DAY ( Thanks God)

If you don't mind I am sending some emails just to keep a touch with u all.
Busy in office after weekend.
In between I found some time to say HAI to every body & good luck in the exams

With Love & Prayers
Mrs Regi James

Tony Beale said...

Thank you for this very sweet comment, Regi! You are very kind and deserve everything that you ask for in your prayers.

Well done too for Mona and Maryam. It's great to see you all hanging in there and supporting each other.

Good luck on the 24th and those on the 15th. We look forward to hearing from you.

Your virtual tutor


saeeda said...

Hi Tony,

I am back again. I will try “Inshallah” To post my writing task1 today in the weblog. I forget to tell you that I received my things from Mutaz. Thank you both Mutaz and Tony.

So Tony you forget to write for me the total time I attend the course. Also you did not sign my certificate while Mouza certificate you mentioned the time and you sign.

I will keep my certificate for you until you come back : )


Tony Beale said...

Hello Saeeda!

Sorry about that! As a matter of fact, I AM here in Abu Dhabi. I'm having a kind of 'sabbatical' from IELTS teaching (lovely word 'sabbatical' - look it up!).

So, bring your certificate to the British Council and leave it for me to sign - I suggest that you give to the Reception staff. I will be passing by the BC later this week.

Good luck everyone!

Tony (still in Abu Dhabi, rather than freezing England in February)

saeeda said...

Hello Tony,

I might pass tomorrow to handover Geographical Book and the certificate to BC. I will right your name in envelop. Please when you sign it inform me through the web log and I will leave my mobile number with them to call me incase they want to reach me.

So nice to know you are in Abu Dhabi.


Tony Beale said...

Standing by, for Saeeda and the rest of ieltscommunity16.
