Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Advice needed - URGENTLY!

Dear Tony

Two classes of prepration course for IELTS have been enough for me to be sure that I am not qualified enough to pass the IELTS exam, so, I need your advice. Is it better for me to withdraw from this course and start learning courses or continue try up to the end of current course?

Thank you


Actually, Fahmy, you are not alone in having your doubts as to your 'readiness' to take on IELTS. I am sure others in the class are in a similar boat. So I will take the liberty of replying publicly to your personal predicament:
  1. Nobody 'fails' IELTS, you just don't do as well as you had hoped because of various reasons (low language ability; nerves; poor exam technique or whatever...)
  2. You 'passed' the placement test to do the intensive Intermediate level IELTS prep course, so you have an acceptable standard in English
  3. Others are struggling in the class - I can tell! Such is the challenge posed by IELTS, you are not alone!
  4. Also, I imagine that your work and family duties also take your time and energy, let alone me complaining all the time and never being satisfied - poor Fahmy!
  5. However, if you withdraw from the course and the test (have you booked it?) then it is a 'lose - lose' situation. You lose the fees for the course & IELTS exam and you lose the learning experience of being in a preparation course with some very smart students and an ogre of a teacher who will push and pull you up by your boot straps to improve.
  6. Doing other general learning courses is fine, indeed - I approve! This course will help you realise the gaps in your English language profile that need addressing in order to do justice to yourself in IELTS.

Therefore, the choice, unfortunately, is to grit your teeth and carry on, in my opinion. Put it down to experience, you registered for the prep course and IELTS test without realising how big the challenge was, so rather than 'cut your nose off to spite your face' (MEANING?) do some 'damage control' and benefit as best you can from the remaining 30 hours' tuition. Take the pressure off yourself and banish talk of not being qualified for IELTS - you a professional person, a trained architect with a track record of achievement.

IELTS has humbled a lot of people, but I recommend that you face this challenge and give yourself a longer timeframe to re-sit the IELTS and achieve a better score in the future. There is so much that you can do to improve yourself after this course in the Learning Zone and online. Have you got the stamina, discipline and study time available to achieve your English language self improvement plan?

There is a quotation from Shakespeare's play Macbeth that I will try to find this afternoon - at least he died facing the enemy, not running away!

Does this help?

Do any other members of ieltscommunity16 have any advice to reassure Fahmy?

Comments & posts, please!

Good luck!

Tony the terror


Hanan said...

Dear collegue Fahmy
If you try, I am sure youcan do it, the best way to solve the problem is to face it, I never formally studied English at school, but Ikeep on trying despite the mock Ireceived from my children.
Good luck
Bon courage

saeeda said...

Hi Fahmy,

I did the IELTS exam four times. As Toney the terror : ) said “Nobody fails IELTS” so I am doing it again because I need band 6.5 and I am trying my best. I think there is a book called “Practical English Usage” by Michael Swan it helps me a lot. Do not stop Practicing. Do not tell Toney what I will say about him he is brilliant teacher I admire him.

Take care, see you today. I will try to bring for you the book today in the class so you will have a look in it.

Bye for now.

MRS REGI said...

The first lesson in our exam is do't panic. why u r giving up.
really I am saying I am also getting too much worried about my exams, because I want atleast 7 bands. Yesterday's performance was a complete disaster.Our Great Tony is with us, He will guide us how to overcome problems.
to day also I am thinking, may be I am the only student have no time to read anythig, practice anything, but this is life, we have to face everything. If u want to gain something u have to loose something.
Come to the class, after some time, u can feel that every thing is comming clear & u can follow what tony is teaching
see u today for debate

regi james