Dear colleagues
Below is some suggestion (SVA) about task 2. I copied this section from IELTS on Track book. This is really very useful and it helps me in organizing my writing.
Essay type: (Evaluate an argument)
Task word: To what extent…? How important…? What do you think…?
This means: You will probably take a position which is neither in total agreement (100%) nor total disagreement (0%), but somewhere in between explain why.
Essay type: (Problem / Solution)
Task word: What can be done to solve…? How can this problem be addressed? What challenges…? What strategies…?
This means: Take a position. Explain 2 or 3 aspects of the issue (1 paragraph each). Suggest a solution and make recommendations.
Essay type : ( Agree or disagree)
Task word: Do you agree or disagree? Why? Explain your opinion? Justify your opinion.
This means: Take a position. Defend it strongly. Give several reasons to support your argument (1 paragraph each). It is useful to acknowledge the opposite view (counter argument)
And say why you do not accept it.
Essay type : ( Two sides of an argument)
Task word: Discuss, Compare/contrast, Advantages/disadvantages
This means: Take a position. Defend it strongly. Give several reasons to support your argument (1 paragraph each). It is useful to acknowledge the opposite view (counter argument)
And say why you do not accept it.
Moza what you think? Tony this is what I learned with Mr. Philip and I wanted to share it with my colleagues.
Best regards,
Saeeda : )
I have taken the liberty of adding to the esteemed advice of my ex-colleague, Philip Aston, by INSISTING that you always take up a clear POSITION in your introduction (first paragraph) that states where you are going with this essay. The first paragraph is 'life or death' in IELTS Task 2 writing.
I simply read the opening paragraphs of all your essays from Wednesday and could tell immediately if you had:
- understood the topic
- thought about the issues
- made a plan
- clarified in your mind where this essay was going
- Re-phrase the essay topic IN YOUR OWN words (first sentence).
- Say something intelligent about this question (second sentence).
- State your position [In this essay I will argue that the development of technology does not mean the demise of traditional skills and culture] (third sentence).
Thus spake Tonythustra!
Hi Tony,
Can I say technologies are computer, internet, email, printers, photocopier, and scanner? I have problem in segregating between technology and invention.
Computer, photocopier and scanner are an invention. If the answer is yes so, what is the technology?
Please assist me tutor.
Hi Tony,
Is the question means for task 2 page 52 to illustrate the old ways (Transportation before and now, daily household duties, accommodation before and now …. etc.) I am confused.
When I observe the world technology in any essay I think of computers, internet …etc. But I think the question at this point is different. Am I right?
I am looking forward for your replay.
Dear Saeeda,
Thank you very much for the information you have provided, it will be very useful for me while writing my essay.
Thanks alot.
Thanks for your post, comments and email - there is no escape from a determined lady!
As I said in my email, the question is, how does technology impact directly on our lives? Do these innovations mean that we lose our traditional skills and habits? (nb correct spelling Regi J!).
In reply to your second point, this is what I consider to be the best approach:
The essay concerns NOW. How does technology (the application of science) affect a country's culture? So you will talk about the experience of the UAE. Look at the traditional skills, customs and Emirati heritage - do they have to die out or can technology (computers, mobile phones, Internet, transport methods) help people come closer together and prosper?
The topic suggests that progress means losing your traditional ways and skills - do you agree? Is this the case for the UAE? I do NOT want a boring 'UAE before oil and UAE after oil' essay. Talk about the 21st century - we are in 2007 after all.
Good luck!
Romaithiat 3 The Rest 0
Tony von Beale
Hi Tony,
Thank you I completed task 2 now I am going to do task 1. I feel I am working very hard with you.
Still I need to finish task 2 which my colleagues completed during my speaking test. I will put more effort in the speaking part Tony and I will try to learn from you and others.
So Tony got 10 out of 10 with me : )
Have a nice weekend.
Thanks for your very kind comments, Saeeda!
I am going offline for a bit now, but will sign in later and respond accordingly or just 'natter' about the weekend and life in general...
I don't tend to take things that seriously at the weekend and need to unwind.
Why do you spell Moza differently from how she spells her name? Sibling rivalry?
(well, my name does mean "worthy of praise" in Latin!!!)
Sorry Moza I spelled your name differently. Thanks Tony for correction.
It is MoUza, not Moza!
Dear Tony and Saeeda,
I usually spell my name as Moza so Saeeda you were right, as to the spelling i am using it is the one on the passport which i am forced to use as i can not change it all my certificates are with U; Ce La Via, what can i do :)
So you can say Moza or Mouza with a U it is your choice,
Best of luck in your essay Saeeda.
Take care everyone and sweet dreams :)
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