Dear All,
Good afternoon.
I just want to point out some interesting ( to me , i don't know about your opinion) about Zebra.
Perhaps it was a playful doodle by the Designer of Wild Things that lead to the zebra: a horse in costume ( candy wrapper / a prison grap)
why the dizzying stripes,with no two coats quite the same , may be for confusing predators.
can u please tell me about this caoting - white coat with black design or black coat with white design ( we can make this subject for next debate .)
scientic name of zebra - EQUUS BURCHELLI, we can see zebras gazeing together, small groups unite together to form herds of hundreds. if u r in the habbit of watching national geographic channel ( I like it most ) if they start a battle, stallions may go for the throat in battle but rarely do serious harm, it is saying (for the most common reason they are fighting , tresspassing , if its in once's property / ( guss)---) tresspassing highly prohibited even in animal kingdom also. A stallion regions over a group of up to ten females and offsprings. They liked to bathed in dust and light , zebra revels on a rough patch of ground for scratching and cleaning its skin. Others wait in turn to romp and roll on this favoured spot.( Not like us, Darvin's theory - ---) The article was so intersting as it came to a dramatic end. A cruel lioness came, suddenly she burst into a run and leaped towards her prey.As startled animals scattered in panic, claws tore into the victoms rump; it stumpled and fell
"The drama of life and death and life keeps us comming back"
thank u
Regi James
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
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Thanks Regi!
I finally got your email sorted. Thanks for the report on the NG programme - it almost makes me want to have our TV re-connected, but on the other hand ...
Life is cruel, survival of the fittest according to Darwin - maybe there are some analogies with success in IELTS???
Teaching IELTS and not eating chocolate in the evenings has helped me lose 13.5 kilos since August. How did I do it? Is there a secret? TELL YOU TONIGHT IELTSWATCHERS!
Do not worry about your weight I do not think you will have any problem with it at the end of this course :))
I am looking forward to seeing you tonight.
Take care everyone and have a nice day :)
Actually Mouza, I have returned to the 70s, now being 79.5 kilos and am aiming for the 'perfect' BMI weight of 75 kilos for a 1m75 male.
I like messing around with names and call myself 'Toni' with my Italian friend Alessandro. He makes my love of football look lukewarm, he is an absolute fanatic!
By the way, Mouza, most of my Emirati friends in the military know me as "Abu Firasse" - a noble warrior and poet, whose name I am very proud to have assumed when I became Moslem in 1978 in Morocco.
Abu Firasse (Al Hamadani)
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