Thursday, February 15, 2007

Er... Hello?


As I thought, you soon get so wrapped up in the 'duniya', don't you?

The blog is also for just saying "hello" and keeping in touch. Posting written work is great, but there is also the scope for encouraging each other.

So may I wish Saeeda and the other 15 Feb candidates all the very best of British luck! Let's hear from you!

Standing by for your comments / posts / news, views 'cos otherwise this blog is 'dead in the water'!



saeeda said...

Hi Tony,

I completed (listening, reading and writing) exam while the speaking test on Saturday 17/2/2007.
The exam in general was very difficult from my point view. I will try to do my best in speaking “inshallah”

I give closed envelop to the reception at the BC by your name.

Can you please inform me when you will sign it.

With regards,


saeeda said...


I am going to the University right now.

Bye for Now

Tony Beale said...

Well done, Saeeda! You gave it your best shot!

Enjoy the Speaking on Saturday - be soft, sweet and interesting!

I signed your certificate at 4.32pm this afternoon!

