Friday, February 2, 2007

Saturday in the Learning Zone?

Hello again! See, I couldn't leave you in peace!

So, who plans to do some serious work in the Learning Zone (LZ), tomorrow Saturday? It will be open from 8.00am till 3.00pm.

Mais Al Bassam would have been there, slogging away and eventually surpassing all expectations in her final set of IELTS bands. Jean Luc and Dr Rashid Saleem spent hours and hours ploughing through the LZ material.

Let's have some study buddies!

Waiting for your comments and arrangements to work together.

As Babe Ruth, the famous baseball player, said, "It ain't over till the fat lady _ _ _ _ s." Yes, what does the fat lady have to do before it's over? You guys haven't even started by his legendary standards...

Your cruel, but kindly intentioned

Torture Tutor


Mouza said...

Hello Tony,
How are you doing?
and the answer is till the fat lady sings

Take care and see you in class


Tony Beale said...

Thanks Mouza! I'm doing fine thanks, you too, I hope?

Seems like the class have lost their voice, their drive, their impetus, their will ...

Ah well, the weblog started off like a lion and seems to be going out as a lamb ...

It's your loss, class, and it will be too late afterwards. If you are not contributing NOW, then you never will.

Good night


MRS REGI said...

Dear Tony,
Good Morning

Yesterday in the Learning Zone, we two regis were there.For me it was so interesting and I practiced in 3-4 the listining & reading sections
See u all in todays class Room No.5
Have a nice day to all.

Tony Beale said...

Well done the "two Regis"!

See how it helps to have a 'study buddy'!

Bravo ladies!

See you tonight!
